An Short Guide to Herbs in The Garden

An Overview of Containers Gardening & Herbal Plants. They're amazingly simple to grow both indoors or outdoors, and provide instant gratification as you can use them in a variety of recipes including soups, marinades and sauces. Maintaining your herb garden all year is easy to do as you can plant the natural herbs in pots and move them in when the

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Contemporary Sculpture in Old Greece

Even though the majority of sculptors were paid by the temples to embellish the detailed columns and archways with renderings of the gods, as the time period came to a close, it became more prevalent for sculptors to portray common people as well because plenty of Greeks had begun to think of their religion as superstitious rather than sacred. Port

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Close-to-Home Weekend Getaways

After a long week, sometimes a quick getaway can replenish your batteries and renew your energy. Although finding the right place for such a short trip is not always easy. The following is a list of some great spots for a weekend trip you will love. New York City Depending on where you reside, The Big Apple can be reached quite easily by flying, dr

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Water Delivery Solutions in Ancient Rome

Aqua Anio Vetus, the first raised aqueduct assembled in Rome, started delivering the men and women living in the hills with water in 273 BC, though they had depended on natural springs up until then. When aqueducts or springs weren’t accessible, people dwelling at higher elevations turned to water pulled from underground or rainwat

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Historic English Monastic Gardens

There are not lots of traces or exact records of English monastic gardens left today. A twelfth-century plan of Canterbury presents only a vague notion of the planting and structure; it demonstrates the cloisters containing a herbarium and a conduit—with the fish-pond, orchard, and vineyard outside the walls. However, even though t

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